Aug 24, 2023

Debunking Myths About Cardiac Health and Heart Diseases


One of the biggest causes of death worldwide continues to be cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, there are numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding cardiac health that can lead to misinformation and, ultimately, jeopardize our well-being. In this blog, we will unravel some of the most common myths about cardiac health and heart diseases while providing accurate and evidence-based information to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Myth #1: Cardiovascular diseases only affect the elderly.

One of the most pervasive myths is that they primarily impact older individuals. While it is true that the risk of cardiovascular disease increases with age, it can strike people of all ages, including young adults and even children. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, genetics, obesity, and other risk factors can contribute to cardiac disease at any stage of life. Hence, it is crucial for people of all ages to adopt a healthy lifestyle to prevent heart-related issues in the future.

Myth #2: If we have a family history of Cardiovascular ailments, there’s nothing we can do to prevent them.

While genetics can play a role in determining our risk of heart disease, that does not mean we are powerless to prevent it. A family history of heart disease may increase our risk, but lifestyle choices can significantly influence the development of heart problems. By adopting a heart-healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, managing stress, avoiding smoking, and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels, we can mitigate genetic predispositions' impact and reduce our overall risk of cardiovascular disease.

Myth #3: Heart diseases only affect men.

Historically, CVD has been associated with men, but this is far from the truth. They are the leading cause of death for both men and women. It affects more women than all types of cancer combined. Women often present different symptoms of heart disease than men, making diagnosis more challenging. It is essential for everyone, regardless of gender, to be aware of the risk factors and symptoms and seek early intervention and treatment.

Myth #4: High cholesterol is the only risk factor for heart disease.

While high cholesterol levels can contribute to heart disease, they are not the only factor at play. A number of lifestyle factors, including a poor diet, inactivity, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and stress, have an impact on cardiac health. A comprehensive approach includes managing all these risk factors and not solely focusing on cholesterol levels.

Myth #5: Exercise is risky for people with heart problems.  

On the contrary, regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve heart health, even for individuals with heart disease. Of course, consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise regimen is crucial, especially if we have an existing heart condition. In most cases, healthcare providers recommend moderate aerobic activities like walking, swimming, or cycling, along with strength training, which can significantly enhance cardiovascular health and overall well-being.

Myth #6: There is no need to worry about heart health until we experience symptoms.

Heart diseases are often silent killers; symptoms may not manifest until the condition has advanced significantly. Waiting for symptoms to appear before taking action can be dangerous. Prevention and early detection are key to mitigating the impact of heart disease. Regular health check-ups, monitoring blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and adopting a healthy lifestyle are crucial steps in safeguarding our hearts.


Dispelling myths about cardiac health is vital to promoting awareness and encouraging people to take proactive measures to protect their hearts. It's essential to understand that CVDs can affect anyone, and genetics alone do not determine our fate. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, staying informed, and seeking professional advice, we can all work towards reducing the burden and leading healthier, happier lives. Remember, our hearts are in our hands, so let’s make informed choices to ensure a healthier future.